Author: EYMI-admin

Small Creatures with Radar or Sonar

Craseonycteris Thonglongyal

The 6-inch Craseonycteris thonglongyal bat weighs only 0.06 ounce. Yet it has all the multiplied thousands of specialized organs that every mammal has. How can this be? Evolution could not produce it.


blackpoll warbler

Blackpoll Warbler

The blackpoll warbler weighs only three-quarters of an ounce; yet twice each year it flies 2,400 miles [3752 km] non-stop for 4 days and nights. These little birds spend the summer in Alaska and then, in the fall, on one day they all know to begin flying eastward. Arriving in New England, they head out over the ocean for a non-stop journey. Climbing high in the air, and quickly becoming separated from one another, they climb higher in the sky. Although they want to go to South America, they begin by heading toward Africa. Climbing to 20,000 feet [6096 m] in the sky, they head off. How can each bird keep warm at such a high altitude? There is very little oxygen for it to breath, and it is so much harder to fly when its tiny wings must beat against that thin atmosphere.

Yet on it goes, with nothing to guide it but a trackless ocean below and sun, stars, and frequently overcast sky overhead. At a certain point,the little bird encounters a wind which does not blow at a lower altitude. It is blowing toward South America. Immediately, the little bird turns and goes in that direction. It had no maps, and no one ever instructed it as to the direction it should take. Well, you say, it may have taken the trip before. No, this might be one of this year’s new crop of birds which hatched only a few months before in Alaska. And its parents never told it what it was to do. Now, alone, separated from all the other birds, it keeps flying. It cannot stop to rest, eat, or drink. It dares not land on the water; for it will drown.

A Bronze Bird

Many other examples could be cited. One is a bronze bird in New Zealand which abandons its young and flies off. In March, when strong enough to fly, they follow after, taking the same route: first 1250 miles over open sea to northern Australia: then to Papua New Guinea; then the grueling distance to the Bismark Archipelago – a migration of 4000 miles from New Zealand where they hatched not long before.

The Bat

small bats

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Specialized features enable the bat to fly, yet all those features had to be placed there together in the beginning. Its pelvic girdle is rotated 180 degrees to that of other mammals. That means it is backwards to yours and mine. The knees bend opposite to ours also. This ideal for bats, but an impossible situation for evolutionary theory to explain. The pelvis, legs, knees and feet of a bat are structured so that they can sleep, while hanging upside down at night from rocks and trees.

Young bats have special infantile teeth with inside tooth hooks on them. These allow the immature bats to hold onto the thick hair on their mother’s shoulders. Without those juvenile teeth, few bats would survive to adulthood. It would be equally hazardous to the bat race if the babies lacked the awareness to grip the fur with their teeth.

The radar abilities of bats surpasses man’s copy of it. In a darkened room with fine wires strung across it bats fly about and never touch them. This is called “echolocation,” but the bat was never taught the word.


The Oil bird

Sounds like a tortured man; name comes from a time when the chicks were boiled to make oil.

A true bird, the oilbird, also uses radar to fly in and out of the caves. So do porpoises and whales, but theirs is called “sonar” instead of “radar.”

Sponges With No Brains & Desert Rats Make Water

Sponges With No Brains

sponges with no brains

sponges – Image by skeeze from Pixabay

The sponge is a creature which lives in many parts of the world, and is regularly harvested in the Gulf of Mexico. This little fellow has no heart, brain, liver, bones, and hardly anything else. Some sponges grow to several feet in diameter; yet you can take one, cut it up in pieces, and squeeze it through silk cloth, thus separating every cell from every other cell, and then throw part or all of the mash back into seawater. The cells will all unite back into a sponge!

Yet a sponge is not a haphazard arrangement of cells; it is a complicated structure of openings, channels, and more besides.

Yes, we said they have no brains; but now consider what these amazing little creatures do: Without any brains to guide him, the male sponge knows – to the very minute – when the tide is about to begin to come in. Immediately he releases seeds into the water and the tide carries them in.

The female sponge may be half a mile away, but she is smart enough (without having any more brains than he has) to know that there are seeds from the male above her in the water. Immediately recognizing this, she releases thousands of eggs which float upward like a cloud and meet the male sperm. The eggs are fertilized and new baby sponges are eventually produced.

Really, now, Uncle Charlie, you never explained the origin of the species. Can you explain anything else about them?


Desert Rats Make Water

desert rat makes water!

desert rat – Image by Nimpus from Pixabay

Desert rats in Western U.S. can manufacture their own  water! Oh, how we wish we could do it as inexpensively! Our worldwide water shortage is going to keep worsening.

The rat does it by eating dry seeds, and then combining the hydrogen in them with oxygen from the air – and presto! nice, wet water!

It is time for our scientists to journey out to the desert and interview the little creature. Apparently, that little rat is the only one who can solve our problem. If he will just tell us his secret, we can all start making our own water from grain and air.


Marsupials – the Very Unique Pouched Mammals

a newborn kangaroo is barely bigger than a jelly beanThe marsupials are the pouched mammals. Two of the best-known are the American opossum (the only marsupial in North America) and when it is born it is no larger than a tiny bean! It is blind, deaf, hairless, and looks somewhat like a tiny worm. A newborn opossum is smaller than a honey bee, and six will fit in a spoon. There are 12-15 in each litter.

Emerging from the birth canal, this almost brainless baby ought to drop onto the ground and die right there. But no, it holds tightly to the fur of its mother, and slowly crawls a long distance over to the pouch. The mother usually knows nothing about its birth, so does not help it in any way. How does the baby know which direction to travel?

a wallaby Mum and her JoeyDown into the pouch it goes, and there it fastens onto a nipple. Immediately, the nipple enlarges, locking the tiny creature to it. There it remains for many months as it grows.

The kangaroo makes two kind of milk simultaneously: milk for the tiny baby, and other milk for a young kangaroo hoping alongside. Each kind of milk differs considerably in nutritional content.


[used by permission from the Evolution Handbook – pg 117]

Riblets for Speed in Water or Air

You do not know what a “riblet” is? It is not an animal. airlines in the United States are saving $300,000 a year because of riblets. Here is the story behind them:

Scientists at NASA tried to figure out how certain water creatures could swim so rapidly. They studied some fast-moving fish for months.

They discovered that the friction of the fish’s body, as it moves through the water, ought to be great enough to slow it quite a bit. Yet the amount of drag that should be present – simply was not there! Given the drag of the water and the amount of fin motion, something was enabling the fish to swim much faster through the water than it ought to be able to swim.

Then the experts figured it out: riblets. These are small triangular-shaped grooves on the outer surface of the skin. Riblets are only found on fast-moving fish; never on fish which have no need to swim rapidly.

These grooves run from front to back. As the water touches the body, it is carried along in these riblets, and this reduces the amount of frictional drag as the creatures swims rapidly through the water.

NASA’s Langely Research Centre developed the riblets and tested them in wind tunnels. They then asked 3M Company to manufacture riblets in large, flat vinyl sheets. When these sheets were placed on the outside of large airplanes, the resulting savings were immense. It now costs airline companies a lot less to fly their jets.

[used by permission from the Evolution Handbook – pg 66]

A Very Methodical Nursery-building Mallee Bird

Mallee Fowl in AustraliaThe mallee bird lives in the Australian desert. In May or June,l with his claws, the male makes a pit in the sand that is just the right size: about 3 feet [9 dm] deep and 6 feet [18 dm] long. Then he fills it with vegetation. As it rots, it heats up. The bird waits patiently until the rains, which increase the heat to over 100º F [38º C] at the bottom of the pile. The bird waits until it is down to 92º F [33º C].

When the right temperature is reached, he calls for his wife; they mate; she lays one egg a day for 30 days and then leaves.

The male then covers the eggs with sand and continually checks the temperature with his amazing thermometer bill for 7 weeks. He cannot let the temperature go up or down even one degree. If it cools at night, he piles on more sand. If it overheats in the day, he pulls off sand.

At hatching time the chicks break their shells – and crawl up through as much as 2 feet of sand! Arriving at the top, each one is fully able to fly and is on its own. Neither father or mother mallee bird gives it any further attention or training. When it grows up, it does just as its parents did.

[used by permission from the Evolution Handbook – pg 66]

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